Professional Air Source Heat Pump

Water Heater Manufacturer


Transformation and upgrading of traditional and emerging channels together

Published :2015-11-17 By: Luckingstar

Air energy industry has developed for more than a decade in the domestic market. In the background of Internet increasingly impact,the economic slowdown, the air energy companies seem to have stood at the crossroads of the transformation and upgrading. In order to better cope with the market competition, many enterprises began to seek change of development mode, to create a unique marketing model. However, at present a lot of enterprises are unable to integrate the traditional and emerging pattern. 

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confirm the market position

Throughout the current air energy market, the store is still the mainstream marketing . In spite of the age of the Internet, e-commerce development fast, but the below line activities of air companies are still the most important status. 

At present terminal activities are more and more, and homogenization are more and more serious. So the consumers are susceptible to consumption and visual fatigue. how to select the market promotion activities which suitable enterprise is great importance. Now consumers become more rational, not blindly buying products. In this case, the air companies attracting consumers by the brand's influence is particularly important.



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